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Tips:With Advanced Search you can easily create lists like: all persons with surname Schaap who were born between 1820 and 1840 in Amsterdam
You can also search without a name: all persons who died in 1901 in Amstelveen.
Note:When you use the birth and/ or death search boxes please note this:
1. Persons for whom no birth/ death data exist in the database, will not be found.
2. Persons with privacy settings will not be shown, unless you are logged in with the proper permissions.
These persons can be found by searching by name and/ or surname only.

13 personer funnet.
Side 1

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Sorter etter: Fornavn Etternavn Dato Sted Dato Sted
woman Gumucio, Adriana
man Gumucio, Alejandro & Ines Castellon
man Gumucio, Felipe & Adelaida Domínguez Covarrubias
man Gumucio, Gabriel
woman Gumucio, Isabel
man Gumucio, Jose Tomas
man Gumucio, Juan Carlos første & N.N., 2. & Marja-Liisa Lejon
man Gumucio, Juan Pablo
man Gumucio, Luis Andres
man Gumucio, Luis Enrique & Irene Zegers D.
woman Gumucio, Maria Gabriela & Marco Colombo
man Gumucio, Martin & Lina Bergström
man Gumucio, Matias

Side 1